Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What's A Cool Mammal?


Nothing can describe how I felt when I had James on my chest. He was very wide awake and looking at his mama. 30 minutes of kangaroo time went by so fast. James was looking sleepy toward the end of our 30 minutes. He did so good with the kangaroo. We talked (well, I did most of the talking) and I whispered to him the Lord's prayer in Indonesian and I told him how much we love him. What an amazing experience to be able to hold James in my arms. 

Thank you for prayers and support :)


  1. That is absolutely amazing!!! I am so happy that you were able to have kangaroo time with James! No one can desrcibe the incredible feelings a mother has the first time she holds her baby!! You just want to hold them like that forever and a day! You're a fighter James!! Keep up the good work!! Hugs! =)


  2. Awww look how his hair is growing and he is starting to fill out. I'm so happy you got to hold him

  3. Your kankaroo time with James looks so amazing. Know it was a very precious time for both of you. Love, (((hugs))) and prayers.

  4. Thank you all :) It was quite amazing :)
