Monday, March 5, 2012

Hi, my name is James

James Aragorn Kirk was born on February 9th weighing 510 grams or 1 lb and 2 oz.

James or Yakobus in Indonesian as we know in the Bible was one of Jesus' disciples. The reason we choose the name James is that we want him to love  God and be close to him just like James the disciple did.
His middle name "Aragorn" is taken from the character in the movie the Lord of the Ring. The character Aragorn shows leadership, strength, courage, determination, in which we hope James will inherit through this roller coaster of life in NICU.

We are very blessed to meet this wonderful little guy so early. We are praying daily for James for health and strength so that one day we may bring him home and shower him with love.

We welcome family and friends to join us on our adventure.

In Christ,
Ryan and Gabby

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