Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rinse and Repeat

When I was told that life with a preemie baby is like riding a roller coaster I didn't quite grasp the meaning of it. Maybe I was in denial, or maybe, just maybe I wasn't riding one yet. At the time I was probably had just receive the "ticket" to ride one.

I personally dislike riding roller coaster. I rode one when I was in Junior High at a famous amusement park in Jakarta, Indonesia. It wasn't even the big one, it was the one for kiddies. I thought I wasn't going to walk out of the ride alive. Anyways, that was the first and the last roller coaster I've ever ridden.

It has only been 6 weeks since James was born. Don't get me wrong, I am soooooo beyond happy whenever I visit James. But boy o boy, what a ride. We'd have 3 quiet days or so, then day 4 we hear: they find something, or they don't find what they look for, or something is too low, too high, new diagnosis, bla bla bla bla. Day 5 is usually spent to digest the information we receive from day 4. Day 6 and 7 are spent laughing/ crying. Rinse and repeat.

James had his second head sono on Friday. Nothing has changed since the first sono. Let's just say they found a thing that shouldn't be there. I don't even want to write about the 'thing' because we're not finished with the journey at NICU. I don't want to define James based on the thing they see from the sono. We're still praying about the thing, that it will disappear, that God will take care of it.

Picking up from the last post, James has been doing about the same. He is still on the jet ventilator, at 25 pressure and 58% of oxygen. He has been teasing us with his weight. He was 990 grams 2 days ago, then down to 930 grams yesterday, and today he is at 1043 grams. He was NPO (nothing by mouth) and had 3 big poopy diapers the day he lost some of his weight. I wonder if his current weight increase means there will be several poopy diapers in the future. Brace yourself! ^_^

Today we went to a wedding reception open house. There were two little boys ( 3 and 5) sitting across from us. The younger boy was teasing me by blowing raspberry. The older brother was playing with the candle, suffocating it by placing a plastic plate over it. Mom then called him to stop. Well, guess what, his name is James! If you read the post from last Sunday, we saw a toddler at church named James, and today we saw a 5 year old kid named James. If these are the signs that we will be able to take James home and raise him, then we'll take it!

Please pray with us for James' health, that he won't have a major health issue. Pray that James will be able to get off of the jet ventilator soon. I miss holding him like crazy. They told me I should wait until James isn't on jet anymore to do kangaroo. Pray for patience.

Thank you, we love you all :)


  1. My prayers are for James to get off the ventilator, gain weight, have no serious health issues, AND for patience for both of you. Specific prayers make it easier to pray. Give us a list of specific things and we'll make it happen. Let God wrap his arms around you tonight and rest easy.

  2. Thanks so much for your updates. Love you and your little James. Sent with love, ((hugs)) and prayers filled with HOPE.
