Thursday, March 15, 2012

James' Goals

1. To be off of the jet ventilator. He is currently at 55% of O2 with the pressure of 26. The team will lower the pressure to 24 at 3 AM. James will have a blood gas done at 6 AM. Praying that it will be good :)
2. To keep gaining weight. He weighs 2 lbs and 1 oz as of today. Wahoo! It's hard to think that he still has 2 or 3 months to go at NICU. I mean his weight has doubled.. so... I can take him home, right? Pretty pleaaaaaase
3. Tolerates feeding. He is at 16 mL of breast milk per feeding! That's a lot of milk for tiny little guy. The nurses have noticed that James is having a difficult time to digest all that milk. So they will be doing a continuous feeding. So.. James will receive 5.3 mL of milk per hour. Hopefully the little guy will be able to digest better.

I am pretty sure Dr. Javed mentioned 1000 other things that James should accomplish. However, I will stick to the 3 ones I listed. Let's do this James. We are praying that you will tolerate the weaning of the pressure. When you're off of the jet ventilator and use the conventional.. we can have more kangaroo time! Soooo looking forward to it.

Still praying.

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