Friday, March 16, 2012

Poopy Diaper

I don't mind the poopy diapers :)

Changing James' diaper and taking his temperature are usually the highlight of my visit at the NICU. Ryan gets to do that too, but he is so nice to let me get my hands on James :) Teehee. Today is no exception, I got to change the diaper. Poopy diaper. I cleaned him up real good, and then when I was ready to put him in the new diaper he pooped again. A lot. Usually he gets really antsy when I change his diaper, but not tonight. I guess he was calm because he knew it was coming and he wanted to surprise me. Well, he did a good job.

James is up to 62% of Oxygen around 9 PM with the pressure of 24. It may takes James a couple of weeks to finally get off of the jet ventilator. That's ok though, he is taking baby steps - no pun intended :)
James is on the continuous feeding. Instead of getting his diaper changed every 3 hours it is now every 4 hour. The team tries not to mess with James too often. They want him to sleep, eat, and poop. They want to fatten him up. That's ok with me :)

Alrighty, I am bad at uploading pictures.. so no pictures tonight. I'll post a bunch tomorrow :)

Still praying for James' health and for whatever he has now God is in charge. James belongs to God and I shall trust in Him.


  1. Your faith will help pull you through these days. In the meantime, enjoy a poopy diaper. I pray for all of you so often during the day. I have your blog set up on my homepage, so every time I see it I pray.

  2. Thank you Bette for praying for us :) I do enjoy the poopy diaper now. Especially when I don't have to get up in the middle of the night to change him. Hahaha. Nah, I want him home :)
