Sunday, May 6, 2012

Where Did the Time Go?

I don't know about you, but Ryan and I have been on a zombie mode. It seems like time went by really fast especially for the past couple of months. I'm not sure anymore why this is May already. I don't really remember anymore what I did since the last blog post.

Well, enough rambling.....

Let's see... James received 3 immunization on Friday noon... he didn't feel good in the evening. Probably a side effect of the immunization, but not for sure. We went up there and James wasn't a happy camper. A night nurse called us on Saturday morning telling us that James was having a hard time breathing throughout the night. He had a couple of bradycardia and one of them required the team to use the bag (with O2). They got a sample of blood for culture.. a urinalysis... lab... and started a 2 day antibiotic treatment for the little guy.

We went to the hospital a little before noon to hang out with James. He was asleep most of the time. We didn't hold him on Saturday, just wanted the guy to have an uninterrupted sleep :)


James' lab shows an increase of a protein indicating an inflammation. Still not sure what though. Day 1 blood culture is negative, still waiting for result of day 2. I am not sure about the result of his urinalysis... He looks better today compare to yesterday. He took his bottle 100% at 11:30 feeding. yay!

James is still without voice, the neonatologist is going to ask another doctor to check on James sometime this month. We wonder if it's because James was intubated for quite awhile that the tube may have caused scarring to his throat..or vocal cords... or whatever (do I sound a little stressed out? Maybe I am?)

Monday is coming soon.... that means James is going to have his eyes checked again. Oh Lord I am asking you for a miracle. Let your child have a perfect vision. Help the blood vessels to grow correctly. Be with James tonight, tomorrow, everyday.


Sleepy baby

No more pictures Mama, no more I say. You're obsessed!

Mama... I don't think this is how people high five...

I am going to pretend to be asleep so this photo session  finally comes to an end. 

Friday: Immunization Day

Whispering to James that he'll be alright.

Feeling kind of cruddy.

Add caption

James is feeling better today :)

Thanks for the smile sweetie :)

How to retire without a debt? Uhm... Daddy, that's not a bedtime story...

Sleep tight my angel, we'll be by your side tomorrow. Good luck on the eye exam :)

Please pray with us for James' eyes and his overall health.

Thank you.

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