Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Busy Like A Bee

So... sleepy... What a perfect weather to take an afternoon nap.
I heard most adults don't get to nap. I wonder if they get cranky.  

Mommy is talking with the nurse... something about me being stinky after I made a huge poop this afternoon?
What? I am  adorable! .. and so not stinky.

Uuhhh... Mommy? What are you doing?

Are you doing what I think you're doing?
Am I really that stinky?

Ok, phew... I think it's over.

Wait, no! What's this?

Hm.... I am wet, but.. it's nice and warm... I hope it's a good thing.

Oooh.. cover me up Mommy! A warm blanket would be nice!

Undershirt - check, onesie - check, diaper - check.

Meal time with Daddy. I am hungry and tired from all the commotion.
(James was only able to take 5 mL out of 25 mL. He was falling asleep).

My sweet new made up bed. 

Alright Mom & Dad, I am tired. Peace out. Don't forget to see me again tomorrow.


  1. I love his chubby little cheeks!!! I love that they are truly chubby!!! What a big boy he is becoming.

  2. I love reading James' updates. Congrats for the milestone, Mut. *mwah* -Maudy
