Friday, May 11, 2012

4 lbs and 6 oz

We apologize for the lack of update for this week. We are trying to get the nursery and the house looking somewhat decent for Saturday. The sisters in law are throwing me a baby shower. Very thankful that I don't have to worry about a thing (well, beside cleaning up the house a bit). We're sorry if some of you in the area aren't receiving invitation, I am very behind on everything, but stop by to hang out if you want :D

James is getting bigger everyday. Yay! He is still at 2 Liters with 32% of oxygen. He breaths kind of fast lately... not sure why, but the nurse & dr. are keeping their eyes close on him. Today is another check up day for his eyes. We've been praying about those blood vessels to grow correctly. It will be a miracle if he ends up not needing the surgery.

We brought some clothes from home for James. Photos to come :-) Thank you for the cute outfits many of you have given to James :-)

Still praying,
Ryan & Gabby

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