Saturday, May 26, 2012

James was struggling to keep his appetite during feeding. At some point on Friday he only ate 18 mL. Ryan and I spent the night at the hospital, just practicing getting up in the middle of the night to feed James and to change his diaper. I didn't get up for the 2:30 AM feeding because I had to get up at 5 AM to get ready for internship.

What. a. rest. less. night.

James had to get his feeding tube put back in due to the low milk intake. He cried, and cried, and cried. He had tears in his eyes, and oh how it broke my heart. I tried my best to console him. I gave him kisses, hug, and finally we both kinda dozed off on the couch. The nurse came in to make sure that I put James back in his bed. I was having a good time sleeping with him laying on my chest.

Anyways... Ryan and I shared a tiny couch to sleep for the night. Ha, never will we do it again. Hahahaha.

While I spent my day at clinical, Ryan and his parents were getting trained how to take care of James. I heard that his appetite is slowly increasing. He still needs help to finish his meal using the tube but not as bad compare to last night feedings.

So maybe he isn't going home on Monday... or Tuesday... whenever it is.... I'm hoping that he will be stronger compare to what he is now.

Please pray that James can get better....soon....


1 comment:

  1. my prayers and thoughts are always with you, mut and ryan... cepet gede yah james... biar bisa di bawa pulang kamu, soal e sudah di cat tembok e ijo tuh cuman buat kamu.... muachh
