Saturday, May 19, 2012

4 lbs and 12 oz

Congratulations to my fellow nursing classmates. You've done it! So very proud of you :)

Not much happening today with James.... ok, I lie.

He managed to pull out his feeding tube right before his afternoon meal. The nurse then decided to keep him awake and give him the bottle. We got there during his feeding. I got to hold him while he was finishing the rest of the milk. He took it all :) Yay! Oh, he also let out 2 big burps for us, that was entertaining :D

The doctor doesn't make any changes on his meds or oxygen setting. He is still without voice though. Based on the note they won't do anything until James is older. Hopefully in a couple of months he'll get his voice back.

James' next eye examination will be on Wednesday. Please pray with us for James' eyes.

Enough rambling, photos of the day :)

The pictures below pretty much sums up what goes on when we get to hold James.

Giving him many kisses before he turns to a teenager :P
Kisses on the head, forehead, cheeks, ears, fingers, and belly.

Ryan tends to be a LOT calmer when he holds James. He lets James to rest. 

Ok, off to bed, tomorrow is a long day. 1st day back to school to finish my last semester of nursing school. Yeah!


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