Friday, May 25, 2012

24 Hours

The past 24 hours has been a whirlwind.

While we are trying to get ready for James' arrival he has another plan. He was a little sleepy on his Wednesday 8:30 PM feeding. That continues until today, Friday morning. He hasn't been eating as much as we wanted him to be. We tried the car seat test late Wednesday - early Thursday in which he didn't pass. The test supposed to last for 90 minutes. James' saturation started to dip after 65 minutes. Even if he didn't pass I am proud of him to be able to stay for 65 minutes in his car seat. The next step will be to wait for 24 hours before doing a 2nd test. If he doesn't pass the 2nd test he will have to wait for 48 hours to do it again.

Ryan and I went up to the hospital on Thursday evening to watch 3 videos: car seat education, shaken baby syndrome, and RSV.

Ryan fed James before we watched the video... and he threw up all over. He has never threw up or spit so much milk in one feeding. I knew something wasn't right. He was also super sleepy. He needed lots of stimulation to suck the bottle.

I gave James a bed bath around 8:30, hoping that it'll wake him up a little bit before his feeding. It took 3 people (myself, Ryan and the nurse) to get James to eat 25 mL of his milk. His range is between 30 - 40.

I just called the hospital to check if they did a 2nd car seat test and they didn't. James had a couple of episodes last night in which he needed a stimulation to get his saturation back up again. They start to wonder if he has reflux.

In a perfect world we will be able to take James home on Sunday. However, looking at how he does for the past 24 hour makes me think that he may have to stay for a little bit longer in NICU. At least until we resolve  the feeding trouble and the car seat.

Please continue to pray with us for James' strength.

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