Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Equation

Antibiotics + Decadron = happy baby

I called the hospital a little before 7 AM to check on James. His nurse said that James had a pretty good night. He thought James' IV had to be restarted because it was a little puffy. So.. they started an IV on James' scalp. No biggie. James stayed at 50 - 55% of O2 with the pressure of 20. BIG. BIG difference from his last pressure before medication *it was at 29.

I called again to check on James a little before noon. The nurse reported that James has done very well with the pressure weaning that he graduates from the jet ventilator! The respiratory therapist was in the process of getting James on to CPAP as we were on the phone. WOOT WOOT!! All I could think about is to leave work asap and see my baby boy. This is not the first time for James to be on CPAP. The first time was eons ago and he didn't do well because he was too small. This time James is almost triple his original weight .. so hopefully this time is a charm. The nurse also told me that James had a poopathon -- never heard that term before.

Anyways, we are so thrilled that James doesn't have the oxygen tube down his throat anymore. This means we will hear his voice anytime soon! I may get tired with the crying one day, but for now that's all I want to hear.

Please continue to pray with us for James' health progress. Pray that he continues to tolerate the CPAP and keep growing. We cannot do this journey without your support. We definitely can't do this journey without God's love and grace.

Sleep tight tonight James. May the Lord be with you.

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