Thursday, April 19, 2012

Back To the Hole

James' last steroid medication was on Sunday, hooray! He was doing good then. On tuesday we went up to see him for a little bit. He was doing fine then. On Wednesday we decided to stay home to do some house chores. Ryan's dad actually came to help paint the nursery. After the very busy evening of running errands and such we called the hospital to check on James. Since his nurse was on break, we talked to a different nurse. She mentioned that James' heart rate dropped and he required some help to start breathing. They had to give him air bag? to suppor James with his breathing. Apparently stroking his back and tickling his foot weren't enough stimulation for James. Because of that episode they had to increase his O2 level. He went from 2 L to 3 L.

We went up to the hospital today to check on James. The boy is now at 4 Liters and 34% of O2. The nurse says it may be because he is not on the medication anymore. His body needs to work harder to breath. His size matters too, James needs some growing up to do.

I didn't want to stress him out too much today, so instead of practicing nursing I held him during his 45 mins feeding. Can I just say that he is so adorable? I wanted to kiss him from head to toe, but I know I have to wait.

Please pray that James' lungs will adjust to breath without the help from the steroid.

I know I promised to upload pictures... will do that... maybe not tonight.. mwahahaha.
Good night...zz...zz.....z......zz.....

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