Sunday, April 29, 2012

1st weekend away from James

Ryan and I went to Goshen, IN for a wedding. We didn't decide whether to go or not until Friday. We wanted to see how James was doing before we make any decision. Anyways, the boy seemed to understand our talk about not pulling any crazy stunts.

We had a good time seeing friends in Goshen, but we missed James very much. We went straight to the hospital before going home. We couldn't wait until tomorrow to see our baby.
James looks like a big boy in his incubator. He is currently between 33 - 35% of oxygen with 3 Liters of the flow. He is about 3.5 lbs as of today so that's exciting. We'll see if his weight changes at all the next time he gets weighed. He is taking 16 mg of caffeine and seems to be tolerating the new dose.

Ryan got to bottle feed James for the first time this evening. It was very very exciting. So.. Ryan and I are going to take turn to bottle feed him. It will be fair for both of us, hehe. The day I am not at the hospital will be the day he gets to bottle feed James, and vice versa. That way we both get to practice to bottle feed him, and it won't wear James out too much. He still needs to gain weight, he doesn't need to lose too much energy just to keep himself warm during feeding.

Anyways, enough rambling. We'll be making up the hours we missed seeing James.

Pictures time :)

Hi mom & dad, where have you been?

feeding James for the 1st time, a perfect way to end the day :)

1 comment:

  1. Love all of you pictures. Each week I see the growth in your little guy.
