Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hanging out with James

Today Ryan and I went up to the hospital for the 2:30 PM feeding. I thought I'd be able to practice positioning James for breastfeeding but the boy thought it was a little too much. Short story we ended up doing kangaroo.. but even then James kept desaturating.. so we put him back in to the incubator. He must had a party last night or something because he looked pretty sleepy when we were at the hospital. Nothing has changed really... James is on his last dose of Decadron. Please pray that he maintains good oxygenation without the Decadron. Pray that he'll start gaining weight.... let's aim for that open crib baby!

We have picked the paint color for James' nursery. Since the current bathroom color is blue... we don't want to  paint the nursery blue... I just don't want to associate James' room with the bathroom... so we choose green shade for the nursery. We bought the sample color of Jaded Lime from Lowes. I am glad Ryan doesn't mind with the color.. since the previous color of that wall is neon green.. you know.. it seems redundant to paint green over green... Ryan convinced me that he is ok with the new color. It'll be a light green... very springy actually.. with a satin finish. How fancy!

I will update with pictures later... after i upload the photos on to our computer....

Still praying with a happy heart :)
Love love love love love
R & G

1 comment:

  1. love the color jaded lime... hmmmm... very springy.... :D
