Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Finally, pictures!

Apparently I'm so talented. I managed to fit the USB cable into the ethernet spot in the Mac Mini, which is a no no. Hahahah!

James has been putting on weight. He is now 5.9 pounds :D I think he has 0.5 oz to go or something to be a 6 pounder. Oh, the boy is so strong when he's angry. He has scratched my face, pulled my hair (ok, I guess I put my face a liiiiiiittle too close to him). Well, when you have a cutie baby you just want to be soooo close to him all the time.

Thank you for the continuous prayers for James. He's lovin it :)

Ok, enough rambling, here are some pictures of James. I think the boy got character :)

many many evenings driving to NICU. This was 10 days before we brought James home.

Back on the feeding tube for the second time.
James was working on staying awake during feeding.

Praying to go home with mommy & daddy.

That's right, I got my swag. 

So, mommy... what did you say about my fantastic room at home?

Is this how you want me to pose? 

Mommy, you look weiiiiiiiird...

May 30th

Home sweet home.

I think I like the room, mommy :)

2nd bath at home.
Seriously, isn't his expression comical? There has got to be a cartoon character lookin like that!

Thanks for covering me up during this photo session mommy.

That's it daddy! No more pictures I say.

Found James sleepin like this. Don't be fooled, he was screaming and kicking.

Mommy I need to burp, it's coming!

Gabby, Ryan and James :)

Night night :)

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