Monday, June 25, 2012

J ..J.. J.. J ..James

Since James was born I've been receiving phone calls from many people, all from the healthcare field. Several nurses have made it to our house to do check-ups on James. A nurse from James health insurance has made a weekly phone calls to check on James. Someone has contacted us regarding physical therapist/ occupational therapist to do an evaluation.
James is doing good so far, thank you for the continuous prayers :)

Well, not much happening since the last time I updated the blog. Ok, the kid had a projectile vomiting last Thursday at his eye doctor's office. I wish I could see that in slow motion. It was concerning, but yet hilarious at the same time. I called James' pediatrician right away, since he threw up his morning meds which consist of potassium, vitamin and caffeine. Anyways, James threw up his 8:30 am meds again the next day. After many phone calls we decided to dilute the mix of meds into 25 ml of milk. We usually only mixed the potion into 15 ml of milk. I can't blame JAmes, they must taste awful, that's why he spit it all out.
Third time is the charm, he hasn't thrown up since then. :)

Just 1 picture from tonight. We were watching HOUSE the TV show on DVDs.

James has gotten bigger since the last photo :) He feels heavier too. I think we have a nurse visit tomorrow, he'll get weighed then.

toodles, the alarm is beeping, gotta check on my little man.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My sister says.,,,

Why haven't you updated you blog, eh?

So here I am, taking a break from my math homework.

James has been doing great at home. We are, of course, still adjusting having newborn at home. We went to 3 drs appointment last week for follow ups. James weighs about 6 pounds and 10 oz by now. He is still on the skinny side of the preemie chart. I don't know if he'll get chunkier than he is now considering how skinny his dad is.

James' ophthalmologist is still watching his eyes very closely. The last appointment wasn't as good as the dr was expecting. He doesn't need to do surgery or anything yet, but hopefully the blood vessels will fix themselves.

We love James' pediatrician. He has the people skill, has a very good bedside manner. We're glad we choose him.

Aside from James' regular medication, the dr added a nebulizer, to open up his lungs and reduce inflammation. You have no idea how difficult it is to get a little baby to stay in place while giving the treatment. We tried the mask, we tried the paci that has a hole where the steam of the medicine comes out right to his nose. Either way, the kid won't stay still.

*We'd like to thank our cousin Natalie who performed a concert benefit for James  on June 11, 2012. 
*We'd like to thank everyone who joined us that evening. Your prayers, love, support and gifts are abundant. 
*We'd like to thank the ladies for the wonderful meals you've provided us for the past couple of weeks. We are very well taken care of.

It's almost feeding time, James is fussy now. The man is hungry! Better get the milk ready :)

Picctures will come later. 

Thank you for continuing praying with us.
love love love
Ryan & Gabby

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Finally, pictures!

Apparently I'm so talented. I managed to fit the USB cable into the ethernet spot in the Mac Mini, which is a no no. Hahahah!

James has been putting on weight. He is now 5.9 pounds :D I think he has 0.5 oz to go or something to be a 6 pounder. Oh, the boy is so strong when he's angry. He has scratched my face, pulled my hair (ok, I guess I put my face a liiiiiiittle too close to him). Well, when you have a cutie baby you just want to be soooo close to him all the time.

Thank you for the continuous prayers for James. He's lovin it :)

Ok, enough rambling, here are some pictures of James. I think the boy got character :)

many many evenings driving to NICU. This was 10 days before we brought James home.

Back on the feeding tube for the second time.
James was working on staying awake during feeding.

Praying to go home with mommy & daddy.

That's right, I got my swag. 

So, mommy... what did you say about my fantastic room at home?

Is this how you want me to pose? 

Mommy, you look weiiiiiiiird...

May 30th

Home sweet home.

I think I like the room, mommy :)

2nd bath at home.
Seriously, isn't his expression comical? There has got to be a cartoon character lookin like that!

Thanks for covering me up during this photo session mommy.

That's it daddy! No more pictures I say.

Found James sleepin like this. Don't be fooled, he was screaming and kicking.

Mommy I need to burp, it's coming!

Gabby, Ryan and James :)

Night night :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lacking of Updates

It's... 1 o'clock in the morning. I really2 want to go to bed, but I'm afraid I won't hear the alarm from the home monitor. The monitor goes off so frequently I think at this point my brain is used to the sound and has learned to ignore it. Not good.

Life with James at home is wonderful. We don't have to call NICU to let them know what time we'll be there to feed the baby.. or.. how long do we spend up there? should I bring my homework along? etc.

Really, everything is wonderful except for the alarm of the home monitor. I was told it may take 6 months for James to be off of the home oxygen. That's a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. I really pray that God gives us patience. I can only do so much.

We'll be going to the dr.'s office tomorrow to get James' weight checked. He was 5 lbs 13 oz on Friday, so we'll see if he has gained some or not since then.

James didn't poop for 2 days... so I thought.. hey why don't I give you a bath..we'll see if that helps you to relax and .. you know the rest.
Oh how he loved the bath! He wasn't so sure in the beginning but then he started to calm down. I checked on him about 1 hour later since he was fussing. I could tell from the look of the diaper that he got a big load of brown stinky stuff. Boy was I right! Hahahaha. I'm just glad that he didn't go while I was giving a bath. It would've been a complete different story.

Anyways, It's Monday already. I am going to try to get some sleep before the 2:30 AM feeding.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Pictures or Not?

I am .... swamped.

Baby - homework - pumping - baby - homework - pumping - rinse and repeat.

Now I'm doing homework... then pump.

Other than is doing good. We went to our 1st doctor visit and it went great :D

So far we have 3 doctor visits scheduled for next week. It takes an entourage to pack and carry James' stuff.

Anyways, I better get back to my homework... it'll be Saturday before I know it.

Toodles :)