Thursday, November 15, 2012


It's November. How can it be? A week from today we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving. It will be the first Thanksgiving we celebrate with James. We won't be fixing turkey this year, but the green bean casserole is a must.

James turned 9 months old on the 9th. It seems so weird to hear that he is 9 months old. Since he spent the first 4 months of life in the NICU we really think that he's only 5 months old - from the day we brought him home. Things have slowed down quite a bit, which is a relief. James' medication regime isn't as crazy compare to 5 months ago. He only takes zantac for his reflux, a breathing treatment (which probably lasts until the end of flu season), and a multivitamin. That's it!
I personally not a fan of giving him the breathing treatment. The task is usually done by my mother in law or Ryan. Mwahahahahha. Usually after a day of feeding him, playing with him, doing range of motion exercises, bath time, and snack time with him the last thing I want to do is the breathing treatment.
Before I had James I didn't think I'd last being home all day long with a newborn. However, I think I have started to enjoy it. At least for now, while he needs me the most.

Anyways, we took James to an eye doctor last week. Preemie kiddos sometimes have issues with their eye muscles. They are prone to have lazy eyes, crossed eyes, etc. While I was concern about how the appointment would go, knowing that he survived from the NICU - a little eye problem seems to be very minor. The result of the first eye appointment is good, phew! We have a follow up appointment in February. Between now and then we will keep monitoring his eyes development at home.

I took James to his 9 months check-up, and for a flu shot yesterday. James is now weight 10 lbs, 9.6 oz (ay, he is skinny), he grew 3 inches from his 6 months appointment (yay). He was showing off the entire time of the appointment. Dr. Beaty was saying how strong James' muscle tone is. I guess we're doing a good job at the ROM exercises at home.

I've posted couple pictures on FB. If you're not friends with me I don't think you can see them. I will post some later today. James is up from his nap and is sucking his fingers. I guess it's time to feed him.

Ryan did some windows update on my laptop and stored all my pictures somewhere else. I only have one picture saved in this laptop for now. I will post that one picture from Halloween night :)

Till later,

1 comment:

  1. Rejoicing with you. Thanking God for you and your precious son, James.
