Wednesday, August 22, 2012

12 days since last post

So it's been 12 days since last post. James has had his 6 months shots and boy he hates them. The 1st one was oral shot, he gagged a couple of times.. no damage. The 2nd shot was on his right thigh, he smiled, the 3rd and 4th shots turned the smile upside down. James slept a lot for the next 2 days. He ate a lot less and puked more often. Dr. says it's normal. Baby tends to have off days after getting the shots.  It has been 1 week since the shots and James is still figuring out his appetite. It's better now compare to 5 or 6 days ago. He would lick the tip of the bottle and made faces.

Last Saturday we took James to NICU, to visit one of his primary nurses - Laura. It was so great to see her again. Luckily James was wide awake so Laura could play with him for a bit. I will post pictures tomorrow. The pictures are in my phone.. and I have no idea how to upload them. Hubby says they're in Windows Live, but I have no clue what the username or password he has for this. Anyways, we'd like to take another trip or two to see the rest of James' former primary nurses. It'll be great to see them again.

James is currently at 1/16 L on his home oxygen. We've tried this setting for 2 weeks but he didn't like it. He seems to tolerate the setting today. I will keep him on the same setting for another day or two and see if he tolerates even lower setting.

Can I just tell you life is less exhausting outside NICU? We are so thankful that we're passed the life in NICU. Although we kinda miss the place. We pray for each baby in NICU and the family to have faith in God, and that He may grant them peace throughout their journey.

**I had something in mind to talk/type about.. but now it's gone... so I'll get back later.

Nighty nite

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