Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Been Gone Too Long...


Has it been that long since we updated the blog?
Well... I was on a cleaning streak for 4 days. Grandma Sutter and I did a curtain shopping to brighten up the front room. Boy it looks so nice now :) Since that day I went ahead and cleaned (I mean, really cleaned) the rest of the house. Ok, so about 75% of the house. Also.. recently I've started baking cupcakes while being a stay-home mom. I'm taking a couple semester off from nursing school to care for James, so... baking cupcakes so far works great :D


James has been doing good. He still spits and pukes a couple times. Working with a puker is not so fun sometime. The dr. wanted us to feed James a specific amount of milk every 3 hour. James did so well for 3 weeks and then boom, he threw up twice everyday for a week. Now we're splitting 1 feeding into 2 feedings. On top of that we're starting to feed James some baby food. It's quite busy in the Kirk's household. It makes the time goes by really quick though.

Last week there were 3 ladies from Peoria came to check on James' developmental progress. So far James is doing as good as a 4,5 months old baby. That's exactly where James should be, because he was born 4 months early. We are quite ecstatic to hear the result of the evaluation.

Well, I leave you with 2 pictures of James tonight.

Trying out a new bumbo chair. 

A lady made a 'cocoon' for James. It's quite cute :D
Night, night. I hope you enjoy the Fall weather :)