Monday, September 24, 2012

Another good weekend

This past week James has done really well with his oxygen. Most days and nights he hasn't needed it. Sure his alarm goes off here and there, but he always brings his saturation levels back pretty quick. 
We took James to Mass for the first time this Saturday. He slept through almost all of the service and his monitor only went off after mass when we were putting him back in his carrier. 

nom nom nom

On our way to church

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pumpkin Festival

Since the last update we've been rather busy. James went to the Pumpkin Festival for the first time, though we really just stayed around the Dairy Queen. James also had another visit with the doctor and he now weights in at 9lbs 6oz. Hopefully we can continue that weight gain.
What do you see James?

At the Pumpkin Festival

Peekaboo I see you

Goodbye machine! We have a new unit now

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

At the doctors office

James had a doctors appointment yesterday. He gained some weight and is now at 9lbs. However that's not the news I'm most excited about. James no longer has to wear his nasal cannula during the day! He will still need it at night, but we are getting closer to not needing it all! I can't wait to say goodbye to it and the monitor he is on.

On the way to the doctors office
Nap time after the doctors office
James will also be needing shots for RSV this winter. From what I understand it's once a month from Oct - March. So remember wash your hands and cover when you cough or sneeze.

Monday, September 10, 2012

It feels like James has been home a lot longer than he really has. This weekend James turned seven months old. To celebrate this accomplishment he threw up a few of his feedings over the weekend. So he went through a few outfits this weekend.

Changing his outfits is an interesting game. Do I pick one that has footies, or one that goes over his head to get it on? Will this one or that one fit? Is it now too small? Realizing that he is growing out of more clothes is really a lot more exciting that I thought it would be. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of his growth. So farewell you skateboarding grasshopper onesie. Perhaps you'll be worn by another someday.

Overall you're probably here for the photos. And we've got a bunch.
This first one was edited by Gabby's sister Intan. I can't wait for it to be come reality.
No more oxygen tube! ...perhaps by the end of the moth...?

James doesn't want his nails trimmed

Monica comes to visit
Just had a bath
James is having fun with his new toy
James is not amused