Thursday, July 26, 2012

Eye Doctor Visit

James has another eye doctor appointment today. Hopefully we will have good news!
Waiting to see the eye doctor

Grandma comes to visit!

Last week we picked up Gabby's Mom at the airport.

Last time she was here James was still in the NICU and in his isolette but now she can pick him up! Very exciting.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Photos from the past week

Just wanted to share some photos from the past week.

Perhaps James is telling us he wants a dog!

James trying to suck on his fist

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Caffeine Free

James turns 5 months old on the 9th. What a milestone :D We cannot be happier to have this bundle of joy home :) 

We took James to a dr. visit at OSF Easter Seal. We were excited to see how much weight James has gained since a month ago. The nurse weigh James and the magic number is 7 lbs 14 oz! How exciting! We then hear some good news from the dr. James is no longer needing his caffeine and his potassium. We didn't think the day would come. Feeding prep is going to take shorter time since we don't have to measure the potassium dose every 3 hour. Goodbye 0.87 ml potassium. Goodbye 1 ml caffeine. The plan right now is to continue the Diuril for 5 days and then goodbye Diuril :) Starting next week we will slowly wean the oxygen down. It won't happen overnight, but we are moving to the right direction and we are beyond ecstatic!

Will post some pictures tomorrow. It's nap time.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July :)

My, it has been a long time since I updated the blog. Things are quite crazy in the household....
James has been doing great, with a minor concerning habit(s). I don't know about other babies, but it seems like the kid gags quite often. Thankfully he doesn't throw up everytime he makes this gagging sound. It reminds me of myself when I was pregnant with him. I had dry heaves. Quite often, it was annoying.
Babies' digestive system works slower than ours... so.. it takes a little while for James to digest his food. Especially preemie babies, they tend to have a sensitive GI. He spits now and then, but today.. man he definitely gave us a show. I usually hold him up for 15 mins or so then put him into this rocking bed thingi... it's like a hammock... a rocker napper.. that way his head is slightly elevated than the rest of the body... preventing him from having reflux. Well anyways, the past couple of days I skipped the rocker napper and went straight to lay him on his bed.. and he was fine. Today, however, was a different story. As soon as I laid him down he burped and.... out came his food. Blergh. Since that feeding he has been eating great, I think to make up the hunger from throwing all his food earlier.

James' eyes have been progressing good. The doctor still wants to see us every 10 days. His left eye still has some funky blood vessels that aren't growing in the right direction. The doctor says he's not too concern about them, but will keep monitoring the growth of those blood vessels.

I think James is close to being 7 pounds, or he already is. He's certainly growing :) I packed some of his clothes that he has outgrown today. Those preemie clothes, some of them didn't even get a chance to be worn!

I hope everyone is having a great 4th of July. We stayed home today and watched a movie from Amazon. We had a yummy dinner from Ryan's parents. The ribs were finger lickin' good. :D


baby rocker thingi :)
a picnic in the living room :)